Welcome to the page where you can find the logo of the company "Vatropromet" Ltd. and detailed instructions on how to use our logo.
Here you can find:
- "Vatropromet" company logo - various versions
- Instructions for using our company logo
"Vatropromet" logotypes
The logo of the company "Vatropromet" is protected and its misuse and use without our permission is PROHIBITED! It is prohibited:
- Use of the "Vatropromet" logo in printed and printed editions, without the prior approval of our marketing department.
- Use of the "Vatropromet" logo on social networks and websites, without the prior approval of our marketing department.
- Modification and alteration of the "Vatropromet" logo, which would disrupt the appearance of the logo itself and our brand.
- Use of the logo outside the prescribed instructions and guidelines for the use of the "Vatropromet" logo.
- Impersonation and advertising with our company logo.
Failure to comply with the above instructions and warnings allows the company "Vatropromet" d.o.o. to undertake legal protection of our identity through our law firm. For all information contact our marketing department:[email protected]
Before you download and use "Vatropromet" logotypes, read instructions for correct usage of our logo:
"Vatropromet" logo for light background (white, light grey...)
- Vector (CMYK version for print and press publishing):
Vatropromet logo - PDF Download
- JPEG (for web pages, community networks, banners):
Vatropromet logo - JPEG Download
- PNG (only logo without background, for web pages, community networks, banners):
Vatropromet logo - PNG Download
"Vatropromet" logo for dark background (black, blue ...)
- Vektor (CMYK version for print and press publishing):
Vatropromet logo - PDF Download
- JPEG (for web pages, community networks, banners):
Vatropromet logo - JPEG Download
- PNG (only logo without background, for web pages, community networks, banners):