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More than 25 years on service to the Firefighters

Dönges Mobile Screen Wall

Kat. br. 200271
Price on request

A portable folding wall for protection from the view at the scene of a traffic accident and all other interventions.

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About product

Gawkers have always been a major problem for emergency services. Since almost everyone carries a smartphone and can publish and share photos and videos almost immediately, this problem has taken on completely new dimensions in recent years. But it is not only the additional stress caused by the observers that is a problem, it is not uncommon for police forces to be called in to keep spectators at a distance. Accidents on the oncoming lane at motorway accidents are the daily routine.

With its small pack size, the mobile privacy screen can always be carried along. It can be completely assembled in just a few seconds by one person. The wall consists of a robust, washable tarpaulin material and fibreglass rods. Numerous tabs and eyelets allow easy positioning and tensioning*.

Zips are incorporated at the beginning and end of the wall, so that several walls can be connected together to protect even larger areas from unwanted visitors. It will be delivered in a sturdy transport bag.


  • Can be set up without tools in just one minute
  • Can be set up by just one person
  • Can be extended endlessly thanks to zips
  • Height of the privacy screen approx. 180 cm
  • Robust and durable
  • Scope of delivery: privacy screen (1 piece), transport bag (1 piece)

* Additions:

  • Set of stands, 150 x 20 cm (catalog number: 201904)

  • Set for tensioning, ropes + carabiners (Catalog number: 221301)

Technical specifications
  • Dimension: 180 x 720 cm
  • Weight: 16.221 g
  • Pack size: 140 x 33 x 26 cm
  • Color: white / red
Frequently Asked Questions
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You can send an inquiry about each product by filling out an inquiry form next to the product. The inquiry form can be found below the product description and technical specifications in the menu entitled "Send product inquiry". Clicking on the + sign opens a query form in which you fill in the information we ask of you as a customer. In the "Message" field you can write additional information that interests you and simply send an inquiry by clicking the mouse on the "Send" field.

By doing so, your inquiry was sent to our e-mail address and our commercial clerks will answer you as soon as possible.

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How to send an inquiry for more products?

If you have a list of equipment that contains more than one product, send us an inquiry by placing all the products in the cart first. Next to each product photo, below the title and a brief description of the product, there is a menu for putting more products in the cart. You can also select the desired amount of the same product before placing it in the cart.

Once you have selected the appropriate quantity, click on the "Add to cart" field with the mouse. A window will appear in the upper right corner of your screen where you will see the message "Successfully added to cart". By doing so, you have placed the product in the cart and you can continue to select other products in our Web catalog.

When you have gathered all the products in the cart for which you want to send an inquiry, at the main menu (upper right corner of your screen) click on the field called "Cart". You can also see the number of products you have placed in your cart. In the cart, you can additionally change the quantities of products or remove a product that you do not need.

You send an inquiry for an offer by filling in the information we ask of you as a customer in the inquiry form. In the "Message" field you can write additional information that interests you and simply send an inquiry by clicking the mouse on the "Send" field.

Payment methods

How can I pay for the product?

You can pay for the products from our Web catalog after receiving an offer from our sales department. Our offer contains all the necessary information for payment: product price (excluding VAT), invoice number for payment and company name and address. You can pay for the offer via internet banking or a general payment slip at the nearest post office.


In our sales centers you can buy and pick up the product yourself. We offer you methods of payment by card (Maestro or Visa) and cash payment.

Product delivery

Delivery and delivery of products?

You can pick up all our products yourself in our sales centers throughout the Republic of Croatia: Zagreb, Split, Osijek and Rijeka. For the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, you can pick up all the products in the business center in Banja Luka.

We deliver products according to the agreement. Products can be sent to your address as soon as possible via delivery services (GLS, HP Express, Lagermax) or you can arrange transportation yourself. For all listed methods of delivery, additional postage is charged according to the valid price list, the amount of which is stated in advance on the offer with the product.

Delivery of products to your address via delivery services is 2-3 working days, and for islands within 5 - 7 working days. The listed options and delivery deadlines are valid for the territory of the Republic of Croatia, for foreign countries only by agreement.

Product complaint

What if the product has a fail?

If the product you received is having a fail or damaged, please contact us via our e-mail address [email protected] or call the nearest sales center "Vatropromet" where you placed your order. After reviewing the returned product, we will notify you of further steps.

Can the product be replaced?

Product replacement is possible for all products within 14 working days of receipt of the shipment. The product replacement request must be sent together with the product to the address from which you received the shipment (listed on the shipment).

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